The EBPS (exhaust back pressure sensor) is used to monitor exhaust back pressure in cold weather during operation of the exhaust back pressure valve. In addition, the amount of back pressure in the exhaust system is one of many parameters used by the PCM. Poor fuel economy and reduced performance are common symptoms of EBP sensor problems. This could be a faulty/failed sensor, or simply a clogged EBPS tube. Since the sensor is fed by a 1/4" metal tube connected directly to the exhaust manifold, exhaust soot builds in the tube and tends to clog it over time. When the sensor fails to provide accurate readings, the PCM ignores signals from the sensor and instead resorts to using default values, which are not always ideal. The EBP sensor is located in a confined space between the serpentine belt and high pressure oil pump (front of engine).
7.3 Power Stroke EBP Part Numbers
Description | Part Number(s) |
EBP sensor, 1994 - 1996 engines | Ford 1C3Z-9J460-AA |
EBP sensor, 1997 - 2003 engines | Ford 4C3Z-9J460-A Motorcraft DPFE3 |
EBP sensor tube, 1994 - early 1997 engines | Ford F4TZ-9D477-A |
EBP sensor tube, late 1997 - 2003 engines | Ford 1C3Z-9D477-AA |
EBP sensor bracket, 1999 - 2003 engines | Ford F81Z-9J432-AA |
EBP tube manifold fitting (all years) | Ford 3C3Z-9F485-BA |
How to Replace the EBP Sensor on a 7.3 Power Stroke Diesel
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• The EBPS on the 7.3L Power Stroke is located near the front of the engine, just in front of the high pressure oil pump. You'll need to remove the plastic engine cover in order to gain access.
• Remove the electrical connector by relieving the locking clip and pulling upwards, being careful not to damage the clip or any of the exposed wires.
• Use a 1" deep socket to remove the sensor itself while holding the nut just beneath the bracket with a 9/16" open ended wrench (not to be confused with the 5/8" nut on the tube). Failure to support the bracket by holding the 9/16" nut may result in bending or damaging of the bracket itself.
• Use a 5/8" crows foot wrench (a flare nut crows foot is best) to loosen the EBPS tube while holding the nut just above it with a 9/16" open ended wrench (a shorty seems to fit well in the space).
• The opposite end of the EBPS tube connects to the front of the passenger side exhaust manifold - remove it with a 5/8" flare nut wrench and then work the tube out so that it is completely removed.
• Installation is reverse - install the exhaust back pressure sensor tube at the sensor bracket first, then to the exhaust manifold, and then install the new (or cleaned) sensor and reinstall the electrical connector.
• You may use a solvent to thoroughly clean the EBPS tube, but do not use chemicals on the sensor itself. A shot of compressed air is also helpful in removing buildup. For the sensor, a small pipe cleaner or piece of plastic weed eater wire can be used, just be careful not to puncture the diaphragm of the sensor or it will need to be replaced. Don't forget to clean out the small orifice that connects the tube to the sensor (fixed to the bracket).